Game title Rating Size
Auto-Meca (1985) 4,4 39.0KB
Auloup (19xx) 4,1 1.9KB
Scribe (19xx) 4,6 9.0KB
Oricade (19xx) 4,0 5.7KB
Rabbit (19xx) 4,1 11.2KB
Galaxians (19xx) 4,8 5.0KB
Loki (1983) 5,0 6.2KB
Paranaud (19xx) 4,2 15.6KB
Auto-Ecole (1984) 4,3 6.8KB
Aidez Cyprien A Rammasser Des Lettres (1984) 4,8 5.7KB
Oric-mon (1983) 4,5 4.9KB
Strip 21 (19xx) 4,8 11.0KB
Mini Sedoric Menu (1993) 4,9 79.9KB
Parsec (19xx) 4,6 6.8KB
Star Probe (19xx) 4,0 17.2KB
Hobbit, The (1982) 4,8 24.6KB
Morpion (1984) 4,9 3.9KB
Bozy Boa (19xx) 4,1 2.8KB
A.T.M - Air Terre Mer (1985) 4,8 14.4KB
Pac-Man (19xx) 4,1 18.2KB

The Tangerine Oric category includes 513 hot games that you played since childhood. These games have been downloaded 194716 times by our users. Our users can rate the grade and reliability of all games and avarage rate here 4.5. Each user can vote for every games in the Tangerine Oric category. We have unite some Tangerine Oric ROMs that you can download now. Play with Tangerine Oric emulator ROMs in best possible quality only at romsfile.com. We provide high spead servers it means you can download Tangerine Oric ROMs and play favorite console games with the integrated emulator. And don't forget to rate your favorite ROM if you enjoy playing and your vote will be contributed to the overall votes for the game. Here we place togather all free Tangerine Oric ROMs that are popular with our users.